Why does it happen?

If you’re a provider node and you encounter the error failed to read msg: stream reset, it usually indicates a need for further action on your part regarding staking and registration within the provider contract. This error often arises when the provider node has not been properly staked or registered, which is a crucial step to fully integrate into the network and participate in the bidding and block-building processes.

How to avoid this?

To resolve this issue, you should follow the detailed instructions provided in “Step 7. Stake Funds and Register”. This step involves depositing the required stake into the provider contract and completing the registration process to authenticate your node as a legitimate and active participant within the mev-commit network. This staking and registration process not only addresses the immediate error but also enhances the security and integrity of the network by ensuring that all active provider nodes have a vested interest in the network’s success.

By following these steps and ensuring your node is correctly configured and registered, you can overcome the failed to read msg: stream reset error and participate actively in the mev-commit ecosystem.