
Make sure you:

  1. Get a mev-commit Bidder Node up and running.
  2. Fund your node so you have the funds to submit bids.


Once you’ve funded your bidder node wallet, you’re ready to start submitting bids to the network. It’s crucial to verify that your bidder node is connected to at least one provider node. This connectivity can be confirmed via the topology endpoint endpoint.

💳 Deposit For Bids

Run this command to load your account with funds to start bidding:

❯_ terminal
curl -X POST http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/deposit/1000000000000000000

This tops up your account with 1000000000000000000 wei (1 ETH) for the current window, ensuring you’re all set to send bids! The window is the number of L1 blocks in the round for which the bidder can post bids.

If you want to deposit funds for a specific L1 block number, which will be automatically converted to the corresponding window, use the following command:

❯_ terminal
curl -X POST "http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/deposit/1000000000000000000?block_number=<block_number>"

Sending Bids

Open a new terminal window. To send bids, we simply run the following command:

❯_ example
curl -X POST http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/bid \
-d '{
    "txHashes": ["0549fc7c57fffbdbfb2cf9d5e0de165fc68dadb5c27c42fdad0bdf506f4eacae"],
    "amount": "<amount in wei>",
    "blockNumber": <integer l1blocknumber>,
    "decayStartTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>,
    "decayEndTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>

To include bundles of transactions, add them in the atomic sequence in which they exist in the bundle, as follows:

❯_ example
curl -X POST http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/bid \
-d '{
    "txHashes": ["0549fc7c57fffbdbfb2cf9d5e0de165fc68dadb5c27c42fdad0bdf506f4eacae", "22145ba31366d29a893ae3ffbc95c36c06e8819a289ac588594c9512d0a99810", "7e1506f266bc86c81ae46018053a274a3bd96a9eff17392930707bf8fa5ff6be"],
    "amount": "<amount in wei>",
    "blockNumber": <integer l1blocknumber>,
    "decayStartTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>,
    "decayEndTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>

💡You can change the values in the fields txHashes, amount, blockNumber, decayStartTimestamp and decayEndTimestamp as desired.

🎉 Congrats, you just sent your first L1 preconfirmation bid! You should be receiving commmitments near instantly.

Make sure your bid amount is sufficiently high for the commitment you’re requesting, and your target L1 block number is accurate. It’s up to the providers to commit to your bid, so try to ensure a commitment is feasible to your bid by its construction.