Primev’s API facilitates seamless interaction with Ethereum’s blockbuilding and execution bids, providing a robust set of endpoints for developers to engage with the network efficiently. The API is designed to be both flexible and powerful, allowing for a wide range of actions including querying bid statuses, submitting new bids, and retrieving block information.

Key features of the Primev API include:

  • Bid Management: Endpoints for creating, querying, and managing execution bids within the Primev ecosystem.
  • Blockbuilding Tools: Functions to assist in the construction and submission of blocks, enhancing the efficiency of the blockbuilding process.
  • Security and Authentication: Utilizing industry-standard protocols to ensure secure communication between clients and the Primev network.
  • Real-time Data Access: Providing access to live blockchain data, enabling informed decision-making based on the latest network state.


  • How can I authenticate with the Primev API?
    Authentication details, including API keys and access tokens, are essential for secure interactions with the Primev API. Ensure you follow the provided guidelines for authentication to maintain the integrity of your transactions.

  • What are the rate limits for the Primev API?
    Understanding the rate limits is crucial to ensure your application adheres to the API’s usage policies and avoids service disruptions. Check the documentation for specific rate limit information.

  • How do I handle errors returned by the Primev API?
    Proper error handling is key to building robust applications. The Primev API uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of requests. Refer to the error handling section for guidance on interpreting these codes and troubleshooting.