Please select either the Bidder or Provider tab below to proceed with the setup instructions specific to your role.

Launch mev-commit Node

❯_ bidder
curl -L -o launchmevcommit; chmod +x launchmevcommit; ./launchmevcommit --node-type bidder

Fund Your Account

To fund your account, please visit our Testnet Faucet. Details about the account address will be displayed after running the command above.


Send a Bid

Open a new terminal window to send a bid and receive commitments from providers. Run the following command:

❯_ example
curl -X POST http://localhost:13523/v1/bidder/bid \
-d '{
    "txHashes": ["0549fc7c57fffbdbfb2cf9d5e0de165fc68dadb5c27c42fdad0bdf506f4eacae"],
    "amount": "<amount in wei>",
    "blockNumber": <integer l1blocknumber>,
    "decayStartTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>,
    "decayEndTimestamp": <timestamp milliseconds>,
    "revertingTxHashes": []

You can change the values in the fields txHashes, amount, blockNumber, decayStartTimestamp and decayEndTimestamp as desired.

Make sure your bid amount is sufficiently high for the commitment you’re requesting, and your target L1 block number is accurate. It’s up to the providers to commit to your bid, so try to ensure a commitment is feasible to your bid by its construction.

Congrats, you just sent your first L1 preconfirmation bid! You should be receiving commitments nearly instantly.
Make sure to check System Requirements to better understand what is needed to run mev-commit without any interruptions. If you want to perform a manual setup and learn details, please skip to the manual start mev-commit section.