The mev-commit Points Program rewards validators who opt-in and remain actively opted-in. Points accrue over 6-month Seasons, with each Season offering base points plus growing multipliers. All points will be visible on the Validator Dashboard like the screenshot below. Read more to learn how points are awarded and how to maximize your total.

Quick Overview

  • Immediate Reward: Earn 1,000 points per validator right when you opt in.
  • 6-Month Seasons: Completing an entire Season nets you up to 10,000 points total in Season 1, and double for following seasons.
  • Multipliers:
    • Season 1: base schedule (see table below).
    • Season 2 & 3: rewards are each month’s total.
  • Opt-Out Penalties: If you opt out early during a season, you keep the base points for fully completed months but lose that month’s multiplier.
Stay opted in with as many validators through all seasons for the maximum multiplier bonus.

Monthly Accrual (Season 1)

Below is the monthly schedule for Season 1, showing cumulative points if you remain opted in through each month:

MonthTotal Points if Still Opted In at Month End
  • Points accrue daily, but the monthly multiplier is only finalized if you remain opted-in through each 6 month Season.
  • Season 2 & 3 double all monthly totals shown above (2x).

Points Chart

Below is a visualization of your points over the planned 3 Seasons. Accrued points represent all points available at the end of a season. Solidified points represent points that will remain with your operator before a Season is over.

Aggregated Points at Operator Level

Your dashboard displays one aggregate total across all your opted-in validators. Operators can see total points and watch them grow daily.

Maximize Points via Partner Protocols

You can earn additional or parallel rewards when using partner protocols alongside mev-commit:

  • EigenLayer: Operators opted-in to the mev-commit AVS on EigenLayer may earn $eigen token rewards (based on EigenLayer’s policies).
  • Symbiotic, Mellow, SSV: Opt-in validators using these protocols to earn points from them AND mev-commit. Points will be available on the Symbiotic dashboard as well.
If you participated in prior testnet phases, you may be eligible for extra genesis points. Please reach out to our team so we can verify your participation and make your bonus available.

Opt-Out Scenarios

  • Before Month Ends

    • You keep points from previous fully completed months.
    • You forfeit any partially accrued points for the current month.
  • Before 6 Months But After Some Full Months

    • You keep 1,000 base points for each fully completed month in Season 1, double for subsequent seasons.
    • You lose the monthly multiplier for those months.
    • Example: If you leave before the end of a Season, you only keep 1,000 for each completed month without the monthly multiplier.
  • Opting Out and Re-Opting In

    • A 7-day cooldown applies for each validator key if you opt out. If you have trouble with this, reach out to our team.
    • Rejoining resets you to Season 1 status.

Getting Started

  1. Opt In
  2. Stay In
    • Maintain participation for all seasons to maximize multipliers.
  3. Explore Partner Integrations
    • Symbiotic, Mellow, SSV, or supporting mev-commit AVS on EigenLayer for additional rewards.
Participating early and continuously strengthens the network, making each individual’s participation more valuable. Your yield goes up more by opting-in as many validators as you can.

That’s it! Maximize your mev-commit points and help make Ethereum FAST for everyone. Earn juicy yield AND points!