The mev-commit chain uses the native ETH tokens that need to be bridged from L1. We use a very basic lock and mint bridge. There is a user CLI application which can be downloaded from the releases page. The bridge will subtract a static finalizationFee from the bridged amount on the destination chain. For now this is a nominal 1 wei. The fee will be increased soon.

In order to bridge funds, users need to have an account which is funded with Holesky ETH for testnet.
Users can also use a keystore file instead of using the private key.
Currently the CLI uses the default contract addresses for testnet and the default RPC endpoints. Users can use separate RPC URLs using the respective options.

To check other options available in the user CLI, users can use the -h option

./user-cli -h
   mev-commit-bridge-user-cli - CLI for interacting with a custom bridge between L1 and the mev-commit (settlement) chain

   mev-commit-bridge-user-cli [global options] command [command options]

   bridge-to-settlement  Submit a transaction to bridge ether to the settlement chain
   bridge-to-l1          Submit a transaction to bridge ether back to L1
   help, h               Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h  show help

./user-cli bridge-to-settlement -h
   mev-commit-bridge-user-cli bridge-to-settlement - Submit a transaction to bridge ether to the settlement chain

   mev-commit-bridge-user-cli bridge-to-settlement [command options]

   --account-key value               private key of the account to use for signing transactions in hex encoding [$ACCOUNT_KEY]
   --keystore-path value             path to keystore location [$MEV_ORACLE_KEYSTORE_PATH]
   --keystore-password value         use to access keystore [$MEV_ORACLE_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD]
   --amount value                    amount of ether to bridge in wei [$AMOUNT]
   --dest-addr value                 destination address on the mev-commit (settlement) chain [$DEST_ADDR]
   --l1-rpc-url value                URL for L1 RPC [$L1_RPC_URL]
   --settlement-rpc-url value        URL for settlement RPC [$SETTLEMENT_RPC_URL]
   --l1-contract-addr value          address of the L1 gateway contract [$L1_CONTRACT_ADDR]
   --settlement-contract-addr value  address of the settlement gateway contract [$SETTLEMENT_CONTRACT_ADDR]
   --silent                          disable spinner (default: false) [$SILENT]
   --help, -h                        show help
The current bridge waits for L1 finalization before moving funds in either direction. L1 finalization takes time (~15mins). Users will have to wait for atleast 15 mins before getting confirmation from the application.