To register on the mev-commit network, providers need to stake ETH in the provider registry contract. This adds credibility to issued commitments, as stake may be slashed in the event of a broken commitment, such as committing to a preconfirmation bid and not including the relevant transaction in a block.

Once a provider is registered on the network, other nodes will connect to it, and the provider node will receive bids.

You can use the provider API to stake and check your stake balance.


Launch mev-commit Node

Make sure you’ve launched a mev-commit node first.


Fund Account


Check Minimum Stake Amount

Check the minimum amount that can be staked, and consider staking more than the minimum. Bidders will only connect to providers which have stake higher than this minimum. The larger a provider’s stake, the greater the credibility behind that provider’s commitments. The amount is set in wei.

> curl localhost:13523/v1/provider/get_min_stake | jq
  "amount": "1000000000000000000"

Get Provider's Ethereum Address

Get your provider’s Ethereum address from the topology endpoint. This will be used as the challenge message for BLS signing:

> curl localhost:13523/v1/debug/topology | jq .self."Ethereum Address"

Generate BLS Signature

Rewards on mev-commit now rely on the BLS key found in the relay and are then tied to the BLS key registered. The BLS key that is sending messages to the relay should be registered. This registration can now be done automatically without manual intervention. Once the registration is done, the settlement chain will be able to correctly attribute the winning providers on L1.

Download the bls-signer tool from the releases page and use it to generate your signature:

> bls-signer --private-key YOUR_BLS_PRIVATE_KEY --payload 0xB9286CB4782E43A202BfD426AbB72c8cb34f886c
Payload: 0xB9286CB4782E43A202BfD426AbB72c8cb34f886c
Public Key: 0x8e7884b3c4961550c13c87c0d0d30bdf8f3c9f3b5e0fb6259b2d1dc8c93432fac8f55d8c0f9e4f2a0f7d0a7b9b9f5d1
Signature: 0xa1b2c3... # Your actual signature will be different

Make note of both the public key and signature outputs - you’ll need these in the next step.


Submit Stake Registration

You can map multiple BLS keys to a single stake registration by including multiple public keys and signatures in the arrays. This allows you to use different BLS keys while maintaining a single stake amount.

Register your stake by submitting:

  • The stake amount (in wei)
  • Your BLS public key from the previous step
  • The BLS signature you generated

Here’s an example request:

# Replace with your actual values from the previous step
> curl localhost:13523/v1/provider/stake \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{"amount":"1000000000000000000","bls_public_keys":["0x8e7884b3c4961550c13c87c0d0d30bdf8f3c9f3b5e0fb6259b2d1dc8c93432fac8f55d8c0f9e4f2a0f7d0a7b9b9f5d1"],"bls_signatures":["0xa1b2c3..."]}' | jq

Verify Registration

Once staked, peer connection logs should appear within a few minutes. You can check the /topology endpoint again to verify connected peers.

Congrats, your provider node is registered on mev-commit and you’re ready to consume bids.

Other commands that can be used are:

  • Check stake balance

    > curl localhost:13523/v1/provider/get_stake | jq
      "amount": "0"
  • Get the account address of your node

    > curl localhost:13523/v1/debug/topology | jq
      "self": {
        "Addresses": [
        "Ethereum Address": "0xB9286CB4782E43A202BfD426AbB72c8cb34f886c",
        "Peer Type": "provider",
        "Underlay": "16Uiu2HAmDWZb4DxZQkS9yseXNukBFe6MhZdimSKuZcHFeJrF3jC9"
      "connected_peers": null,
      "blocked_peers": null

We recommend reading the consuming bids section next to consume bids effectively.