The bidder-cli aims to provide a better UX for users to send raw transactions or bids on existing transactions, to the mev-commit network. The tool can be downloaded from the releases page.

   bidder-cli - A CLI tool for interacting with a gRPC bidder server

   bidder-cli [global options] command [command options]


   send-tx-hash  Send a bid to the gRPC bidder server
   send-tx       Send a transaction to the gRPC bidder server
   help, h       Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help
   --version, -v  print the version

The send-tx command is used to send raw transaction payloads. Here users can create a new transaction on the L1 chain and send it directly to the mev-commit network. Users need to provide the account to be used as source of the funds and to sign the transaction. Currently this allows users to send simple transfer transactions.

   bidder-cli send-tx - Send a transaction to the gRPC bidder server

   bidder-cli send-tx [command options]

   --rpc-url value         URL of the gRPC server [$BIDDER_CLI_RPC_URL]
   --l1-rpc-url value      URL of the L1 RPC (default: "") [$BIDDER_CLI_L1_RPC_URL]
   --verbose               enable verbose logging (default: false) [$BIDDER_CLI_VERBOSE]
   --from value            private key of the account sending the transaction
   --to value              to address
   --value value           amount of the transaction
   --block-number value    block number (default: 0)
   --decay-duration value  decay duration (default: "10m")
   --bid-amount value      bid amount
   --help, -h              show help

The rpc-url is the URL for the gRPC server running on the bidder node. This is by default running on port 13524. So if you run the node locally, this would typically be localhost:13524.

If block-number is not specified, the next block number is used for the bid.

Similarly, the default decay-duration is 10 minutes. Which means the bid amount will decay starting from current time to 10 minutes from now.

value is the amount of ETH to be sent in the L1 transaction and bid-amount is the amount the bidder is willing to give to the providers for preconfirming the transaction. All the other flags have sane defaults.

The CLI uses the l1-rpc-url to get the nonce for the account. Users can point it to a different RPC URL if they are sending transactions to a custom RPC.
❯_ example
./bidder-cli send-tx \
  --from <PRIVATE KEY of source account> \
  --to <DESTINATION on L1 chain> \
  --value <Amount of ETH to be sent in wei> \
  --bid-amount <Amount to be sent to provider node> \
  --rpc-url localhost:13524

The send-tx-hash is used to send bids for transactions that were already submitted to the mempool of the block-builders or to the public mempool. There is a possibility that the transaction is not gossiped to the provider’s block building infrastructure in time, so it is better to use the Provider’s RPC for submitting transactions.

   bidder-cli send-tx-hash - Send a bid to the gRPC bidder server

   bidder-cli send-tx-hash [command options]

   --rpc-url value                                              URL of the gRPC server [$BIDDER_CLI_RPC_URL]
   --l1-rpc-url value                                           URL of the L1 RPC (default: "") [$BIDDER_CLI_L1_RPC_URL]
   --verbose                                                    enable verbose logging (default: false) [$BIDDER_CLI_VERBOSE]
   --tx-hashes value [ --tx-hashes value ]                      transaction hashes
   --bid-amount value                                           bid amount
   --block-number value                                         block number (default: 0)
   --decay-duration value                                       decay duration (default: "10m")
   --reverting-tx-hashes value [ --reverting-tx-hashes value ]  reverting transaction hashes
   --help, -h                                                   show help

Users can provider multiple transaction hashes to bid on. Rest of the flags have similar use cases as above.

❯_ example
./bidder-cli send-tx-hash \
  --tx-hashes <HASH 1> \
  --tx-hashes <HASH 2> \
  --bid-amount <Amount to be sent to provider node> \
  --rpc-url localhost:13524